
New Sidings at the Steel Mill


Several of our guys got together and decided that we could use the addition of a new siding or two in the vicinity of our steel mill.

As we've done on other projects, we are going to build this one off the existing bench work and put it in place after we are done. One of the main reasons for this is that it will save the scenery from being damaged by leaning over the existing bench work.  Also, since it will be hand laid track, it will save the back of Dan Thole who will be doing the track work.

This is a photo of the area we are about to do. In the picture can be seen, along side the main line, two gray temporary  tracks. These two will be replaced with the permanent ones. Also to the left of the main lines, is another siding to be installed.  

Here we can see Robby Kransteuber building a template to be used to transfer the existing mainline to our off site replacement roadbed.

With the template paper down Robby now transfers the track plan to the paper. He uses carbon paper and traces the temporary track on to the template paper. With this we will be able to lay the new track, built off site, so that it fits perfectly in to it's location.