1056 Hanover Court Facebook Page: See "What's Happening" Below The Web site of the Anthracite Model Railroad Society (AMRS)
Please take some time and visit our Web site. We invite you to come to one of our open houses, which are held during the year. Our visitors come from all over North Eastern Pennsylvania, Central Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey and beyond. Please click on the "Events" button for our open house schedule. And if you are not able to visit our club, then climb aboard and take a ride with us through these pages. We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions.
Hop on board one of our steam trains and take a short trip through a part of our layout in downtown Hazleton, circa 1940. (This is a short movie taken with a camera mounted on the front of one of our locomotives. Its a Windows Media file and is about one meg.)
"What's Happening" At The AMRS
The Helix / Darkwater
A major project that was completed within the last few years was The Helix. It was the most complex project we've undertaken since the layout was constructed. We removed the last ten feet of our layout and replaced it with new construction extending out an additional twenty feet. The new area now contains The Helix built to connect our lower and upper levels. Although we always had a connection between both levels, it was primarily on hidden trackwork and our members rarely used it. With our helix now in place our members are now able to traverse from level to level more easily. Take a minute and follow the history of our construction on The Helix page.
The photo shown below is Darkwater which leads to The Helix.
Advertise Your Business on the AMRS Railroad
Billboard advertising on boxcars was a well-established tradition at the end of the 19th century. A variety of colorful billboards were hauled on major railroads until the practice was banned by the Interstate Commerce Commission in 1937. Since our layout does not cross state lines we can legally haul billboard boxcars once again. At any given time your ad might be moving through historic Hazleton, Jim Thorpe, or any of the other local towns and villages on our layout. These advertisements are designed to enhance the image of your organization and will be seen as one that supports the community and supports efforts to provide wholesome entertainment for children and families. The cost of an ad is $50 per year for both sides of the boxcar, plus $10 for the cost of the car. At the end of the year you can keep the car as a memento of your participation or participate for another year for a nominal fee. We will provide the appropriately sized art and prepare the car. If your organization has a logo, it can be incorporated into the design. Please contact Jim Hoegg at - for further details or information.
Please send questions, comments and suggestions to Bruce Smith (email address below.)
Web site maintenance by: Bruce F. Smith Updated June 2, 2020 |